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About Empowered Electrolysis:
Empowered Electrolysis is powered by owner/operator, Jaqueleen Cleaver. Jaqueleen uses a delicate touch and a focused eye to achieve your desired hair removal needs. Jaqueleen is trained and certified in all modalities of electrolysis allowing her to curate the accurate treatment style required for your specific needs.
After struggling with unwanted hair as a side affect from PCOS, she searched tirelessly for a solution. Having unsuccessfully tried topical medications and laser hair removal she joined the countless others on the merry go round cycle of tweezing and waxing. Jaqueleen finally found Electrolysis and it turned out to be the only hair removal option that worked for her specific needs. She began treatment and never looked back.
Jaqueleen mastered her skills at Monterey Bay Institute of Electrology and became a Licenced Electrologist. Her own permanent hair removal results combined with her education has empowered her to want to help others get beyond their unwanted hair and start thriving!
4736 Scotts Valley Drive, Unit A Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Call or Text (831) 222-0242

What is Electrolysis?
Electrolysis is the only FDA approved form of permanent hair removal and has been around for over 100 years. Electrolysis has paved the way in permeant hair removal and still stands to be the only method that is approved for all types of hair and all skin tones. The process is electro-epilation where a small probe is inserted into each follicle, then a small amount of electric current is directed at the bottom of the hair follicle destroying the growth cells, then the hair is released from the follicle with tweezers. You will feel the sensation of the current only for a couple seconds in each follicle while the current is on. After the hair has been removed there may be some slight redness or swelling which typically subsides within a few hours. In may cases people report their skin texture and quality improving after electrolysis treatments.
With today's advanced technology, the electrolysis hair removal process involves less discomfort, faster treatment time and dialed in accuracy. Unlike other hair removal options, electrolysis delivers results for every skin and hair type. You can relax and know that you will be in great hands with Jaqueleen's artistry expressed through hair removal in a clean, warm and inviting treatment space.
Removing unwanted hair permanently is a process and when better to start that process than now? The time will pass either way. A series of treatments will be needed to achieve permanent results, starting with frequent visits and then tapering off to once a month or as needed as the hair diminishes. Each persons hair growth cycle is unique and best results are achieved when the treatment area is not being tweezed, threaded or waxed. No one has ever regretted getting the hair they can’t stand removed. So let’s get going and get beyond that hair.
Modalities used:
This treatment modality was the very first invented and still stands to be just as effective over 100 years later. Over the years technology has made galvanic electrolysis less painful and shorter time in seconds it takes each hair to epilate. Galvanic is the safest form of electrolysis for melanin rich skin. This is because the destruction of the hair is not done by heat which means no chance of “burning” or hyper pigmenting the skin. Galvanic uses direct current to reach that hair root “target” we are aiming for, then your bodies natural reaction is what actually terminates the hair and prevents regrowth from happening. The direct current applied to the follicle reaches with the water and salt in your body. This creates a reaction that produces sodium hydroxide or lye. So the hair is broken down by a chemical reaction. Sounds like science, right? That is because it is and we think that’s pretty cool. This method is also the most effective with curly or wavy hair and is typically the method that is selected if someone is prone to scaring.
Thermolysis or short wave is the method in which radio frequency (oscillating current) is applied along with heat to break down the hair. The heat that is produces is what actually destroys the hair follicle. When the technology of thermolysis was introduced, the major benefit was the improved speed. Less time is needed in each follicle to reach destruction in medium to shallow hair follicles. This allows for your Electrologist to move with speed on areas like the arms, legs are larger surface areas. Those who are not heat sensitive, this can be a very effective method.
The Blend
The Blend is also referred to as “Dual Action” and it’s the most recent discovery in the world of electrolysis. The Blend uses both direct current and radio frequency to destroy the hair follicle. Truly this method blends the best of both modalities. With the speed of thermolysis and the versatility of galvanic, the blend is highly effective method with a very high success rate and less discomfort. Often times this method delivers the least amount of discomfort as it harmonizes the two currents while confusing the nerve endings which is great for those with a lower pain threshold. While this treatment method works great on most treatment areas, it can’t always be the “go to” as it does use a small amount of heat to achieve permanency. Don’t worry, selecting a treatment modality isn’t something you need to decide beforehand. A skilled Electrologist will be able to execute The Blend method seamlessly and will know when to use this modality.

“My only regret is not starting sooner!”
– Lydia N